Country to the City

I\’m just a country gal in a big city :)

109010513708121530 July 17, 2004

Filed under: Uncategorized — countryfan @ 5:49 pm

Ugh, I havn’t updated in a few days.

I guess I’ve been kinda pre occupied with hanging out with Nick as much as possible 🙂 We’ve been doing loads of stuff. We go out every Thursday and get hammered, as it’s his day off. We’ve been doing really couply things like grocery shopping, renting movies from Blockbuster,going to the movies together and cooking dinner for each other. He’s had three days off in a row, Thursday (it’s his day ff anyway), Friday and today. Friday we went out with Al, who’s a friend of ours, and today he has a game, so he got up early this morning to go to the sport store out in Brookfield. He needed some new gear, and now he’s gone off with his kit bag to his football game.

Nick is a semi-pro fooballer, but he’s had some narrow minded coaches who won’t give him the time of day because they think that you need two arms to play football, whch is crap, because Nick proves that you don’t. He’s brilliant on the field, and it would be his dream come true if a pro team put him on their books. But that’s not going to happen, because the NFL is so narrow minded. Bollcks to it 😉 I’d love him to go in their and kick ass, and prove to the fat cats that you don’t need two arms to play 🙂


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